
  • Flexbands make you fitter, healthier and more athletic.
  • Find out how the reactive force will keep you injury-free and how the best flexibilityprogram will keep your shoulder and lower back pain-free.
  • Gain strength, train any musclegroup with ease and burn fat effortless.
  • Practice at home, in the gym or under supervision of an experienced instructor.
The unique Jumpstretch Flexbands are a powerful and versatile material that guarantees a functional workout.Types of 5lbs. (Micro Band) up to 200lbs. (Strong Band). They offer more resistance than classic tubes and are circular, giving them a lot more training possibilities to offer.

Pro-sporters, personal trainers, fitness centers, physical therapists, physical coaches and home trainers are all already enthousiastic Jumpstretch Flexbands users.

"Because these Flexbands are circular, they provide a lot more traininga pplications than the classic tubing. Furthermore, the stretch and resistance in the Flexband are optimal!"
"A complete material which lends to every sport and is absolutely indispensable."
"Very useful to be available in 4 different thicknesses. Furthermore, they are very sturdy and don't cut off any circulation!"


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